Important information about eligibility for this policy

Canada Life’s Employee Life Insurance (ELI) offers guaranteed group life cover to small employers.

There are four pre-priced options, so you don’t need to disclose employees’ names or salaries to get a
quote – and, providing you can answer a simple group declaration, there are no health exclusions.
However, to qualify for these extremely favourable terms your business needs to be currently uninsured,
employing less than 100 UK employees, and able to satisfy the following eligibility rules.

You can’t buy ELI if your business is engaged in any of these activities:

  • Working at heights above 10 metres
  • Working offshore, underground or underwater
  • Working with explosives, weapons or firearms
  • Working as part of an air or ship crew

If you’re engaged in any of the above please contact Fulcrum on 0845 872 9400 to discuss a more
tailored arrangement.

There are no individual exclusions for employees.

However, there are four health history scenarios that will prevent your company buying ELI if you or
anyone in your management/HR team knows about them. Canada Life’s application asks you to declare,
to the best of your knowledge, that no one you want to insure has within the last 12 months been treated
for cancer, a heart attack or stroke (or diagnosed with a terminal illness where death is expected within
12 months).

You don’t need to ask your employees, but it is expected that you are answering this declaration on behalf
of your management/HR team. Unfortunately, if you do know about one of these scenarios you can’t buy
ELI and you should discuss other options with Fulcrum.

You can’t insure employees who live or work outside the UK, or are seconded outside the UK.

ELI is designed for employees who are under State Pensionable Age, living and working in the UK. The
Counsellors & GPs who provide ELI’s support services are also only registered to advise UK based
employees. This means you should only count UK based employees who are under State Pensionable Age in
your application headcount. Employees on secondment will be insured when they resume living in the UK.

You can’t buy ELI if you anticipate travelling on business outside… the EU, Andorra, Australia, Canada,
the Channel Islands, Gibraltar, Hong Kong, Iceland, the Isle of Man, Liechtenstein, Monaco, New Zealand,
Norway, San Marino, Switzerland, USA and the Vatican City. Please note this is only an initial qualifying
rule, so if it doesn’t affect you right now it has no future bearing, and your life cover will operate fully
during all business and holiday travel.

There are four life insurance benefit levels available, but you need to choose the same level for everyone.

The sustainability of our pricing, and our cover for pre-existing conditions, depends on you choosing one
benefit level for all of your UK based directors and employees (under State Pensionable Age) who receive
all or part of their income via PAYE.

If Canada Life receives your proposal by 4pm your insurance can start from midnight.

To avoid delays please email a copy of your completed application form before posting the original.
Canada Life will confirm your start date no later than the following working day.

Your mental health, video GP, fitness and legal support services can take up to seven working days to
activate – your new policy number is your access code for these services.

Managing joiners and leavers after your policy starts.

Canada Life will charge you the appropriate monthly premium for your declared opening headcount.
Cover for subsequent joiners will be automatic from their employment start date (you don’t need to notify
anyone). Cover ceases when an employment contract ends, or an individual reaches State Pensionable Age.

When your plan renews each year Canada Life will ask you to provide dates for mid-contract joiners and
leavers. Mid-contract joiners will be accounted for, including a full first month’s premium, regardless of the
day of the month their employment starts. Refunds for mid-contract leavers will be calculated from the
first full month after their leaving date.

Application Form